Guided Meditation for Relaxation
Guided Meditation for Relaxation
Meditation for Sleep ~ Amethyst
This meditation is for bedtime to soothe you into a beautiful sleep. If you have an Amethyst hold in your hand as you relax if you don’t that’s ok I will help you visualise one as you relax
Meditation for Confidence
This meditation will give your inner cheerleader a boost. If you have an event or something you want to feel a little more confident for play this before and watch your confidence appear
Meditation for Calmness ~ Waves
This meditation is a gorgeous soothing meditation guiding you through relaxation imagining beautiful waves rising and falling as you relax more and more. Great to use at times where you just want to feel some calm and peace
Meditation for Positivity, Strength and Energy
This meditation is to give you a little boost maybe at the start of the day, maybe as a pick me up during the day or to just get your motivation going and relight your inner sparkle
Meditation for Outside
This meditation is to be used outside, for you to fully immerse yourself in all you can hear, feel and see whilst in nature, to ground you, calm you and restore you
Meditation for Calmness & Grounding
This meditation will help ground you and calm you in times of maybe feeling overwhelmed or anxious
Meditation to Protect ~ Bubbles
This meditation will help you create the most gorgeous bubble of protection all around you. It’s a lovely meditation for when you feel you just need to feel secure and loved